Tuesday 31 July 2007

Day 5

So, today was a very new age day for me I could say!You know how New Age is always talking about the spirits of nature and how you should connect your spirit with nature's and all that stuff! Well today I was inclined to experiment! I let my spirit connect with nature's! I let my nature become part of nature itself! To cut a long story short - I GOT COVERED IN MUD!!!! :):):):) So lemme just give you the details and that's it for today. We drove off to some place called Fort Rose which is quite a drive from home but was worth it. We were going Quad Biking! Unfortunately we don't have any pics to show of when we were actually on the bikes as the mud was out of this world and the cameras would have simply died! But when we got there we couldn't go as we couldn't get through before and had not booked anything! So we waited till 7 but in the meantime we went to have somethin to eat and I tried my first black pudding ever. Steven tried a bit of mine too. It wasn't as disgusting as it sounded. Actually it was quite good. Anyway then we went to look for dolphins - but I think, since it was cold - they stayed home to have a cuppa' tea! Anyway in the end it was time to go and we went! It was totally amazing! We loved it - the bikes were filthy and the track was almost all mud baths! Wow! Glorious glorious mud! :)


pauline said...

Aw jan kemm hadt gost naqra dak kollu li ktibt.Nispera li l'mud'kollu hsiltuh ax inkella ....intikom bewsa kbira kbira.Komplu hudu gost u ippruvaw tweggawx. Steve, immisjajt il hello hello tieghed izda naf li qed tihu gost hafna. Oqod bilghaqal coie iddeverti kemm tista. Love u loads Cu soon.

Stefan said...

Hey Jon and Steven. Was reading through the last (or first) 5 days of your 4/52 adventure. Really glad for you guys having loads of fun, especially the quad biking thingy. Anyway, gawdu ghalija :). Next week I’ll have my “Euro- Trotter” mode back in action :P. Take Care, Big Hugs, God Bless Y’All.

Sarah said...

Aw qalbirinu ta qalbi!! It was great talking to you today... I miss you but... why dont give your ticket to canada to steven and he gives you his to Malta ?:) Hehe ... joke. Go and enjoy it my love. I LOVE YOU XXX

Jonathan said...

aw ma, kollox hsilna tinkwetax u kollox telaq! stef zomm mohhok mistrieh u tinkwetax - halli f'idejna biex niddevertu! :) pupina - ma tarax li mhux ser nibdel il-biljetti! he he joke ... NOT! :) :P :P love u too xxx