Thursday 16 August 2007

Day 21

Well today was another blast in this holiday. We woke up and Amy told me that it was time to go so what do I do, I sleep again! Hehe! Well I eventually fell outta bed considering I slept on the top bunk and we rushed out of the hostel. We then went to a grocer and bought a bagel and a pastry for breakfast and then then went to find the Kicking Horse River as right next to it there was the Glacier Rafting Company. Well we were quite early and so we just lazed about in the nice warm early morning sun. Then went back and started meeting the other people coming rafting too. Well we checked in and paid the full amount and then the guide explained to us a coupla things. Then we went and wore ourt wetsuits which didn't really do that much to keep us warm I should say, but I only learnt this eventually. We wore fleece sweaters and a splash jacket too so we get wet as little as possible. This is because, as they explained, the river was only 3*C as onlyu 15 hours earlier that water was ice! Anyway, we got a ride to the top of the river in one of those huge yellow school buses that we see only on tv and eventually got to the place. We then went on our first ride which kinda gives you a basic idea of rafting as a group and obeying commands of the guide and also a slight taster of what's coming in the next ride. So then we stopped for lunch - a big one two as they made us BBQ steaks annd a whole lot more. By now I learnt how really cold the water was! But it was lovely at the same time. Then we went on the second part of the trip and that was totally out of this world - proper rapid rafting at its best! Waves and holes and currents and rocks and wood dams ... the lots! Anyway, as they say all good things come to an end so the trip was over and we changed into our nice dry clothes and headed back to Innisfail! But we stopped over in Calgary and by the time we got home it was 2 am! So tomorrow sleepin'in!


Unknown said...

il madonna xtahwid!!40 degrees 3 degrees iddecidi lol. o bdw im 1st yet again muhahhaha!!! ah man vera sabiha imma kinet dil gurnata zgur u andek ritratt sabih!

Enjoy last bnit man ax imbad la tigi aw back to life again!!


Jonathan said...

40 degress il-hot springs imma x-xmara 3! m'ghandhoim xx'jaqsmu ma xulxin dawk! hemm siegha u nofs triq bejn wahda u ohra! :) ghandi izjed ritratti wkoll. u kif rajtu bdejt inxejjer u gejt qisni r-regina ghax dejjem inxejjer gejt f'hamsa minnhom daqs kemm hadhom malajr. :)