Friday 3 August 2007

Day 9

So as I told you yesterday, today was gonna be a good one! The thing is because today we went paintballing! And it was such a ball! We loved it! Once again you can imagine how we got covered in mud cos it was raging war! Honest! It was running all over the place and jumping into the mud for quick cover and behind trees and obstacles and stuff! Steven and I were with the black team against the reds! The first battle was to run behind obstacles and eventually get to an orange cone and drag it back with you to your side. We lost the first round and drawed the second. Then it was capture the fort where we had to defend a metal box with top secret documents in it and we won that cos they dinnae get to it in time. When we attacked the fort then we beat them hollow! Then the last battle was king of the hill were both teams had to go up this hill and wave the flag for 10 straight seconds. They never got to touch the flag and we managed on the 3rd time. The difficult thing in these was that if you get hit with the paint then you're out. So we were jumping in the mud even more to hide the stains! But they can really sting! Depends were you were hit obviously. We had protective visors cos the balls shoot out at 200mph so you can imagine! I got hit in the neck though and that was quite a sting! The best part was that for the first round Steven and I were together but we didn't really have much of a clue of how to go about it and I died quite early, though I got the cone to our team! But the best was the last because it was if you get hit you just walk back to the start and go in again. The problem for everyone else was that by the time we got to the fort battle and we were attacking Steven and I were a very strong team with the advantage on nobody being able to understand anything we shouted to each other between us! So for the remainder of the battles we took out our flanks just the two of us on our own with hardly any problems! Was a fun day but I'll make sure I go to a lot of training before I'm ever called to go to war cos you realise how really difficult it is! Tomorrow should be a relaxed day but in the afternoon we hear mass then drive down to England to a place called Alton Towers! I'm sure you can google it and see wot its all about! Love to all. xxx PS No pics today - didn't dare take a camera with us!


Drew said...

aw joni...adna kemm kellna il healing service ilbierah u vera qlajna il cojones alkemm kien hemm min qalahhom iktar min taghna. Iffilmjajna kollox u hadd ma gie jixtri imbad fl ahhar minuta giet wawhda u ha jkollna neditjawh x kanna....tinkwetax mhux se ntija il flus lura u najdlila li kellna problemi teknici kif andi tentazzjoni hehe l ghazz huwa kbir lol...imma niftakar li meta sfidajt lil Alla gew erbatax il ordni mela nobdu bil kwiet hux. Kollox mar tajjeb praise God hlief li spiccjana it tapes anki tal kbira ax dam jlabalbu iktar min tlett sijat
imma x tamel hux? insomma hu gost u oqod bilaqal and hopefully u wont get hurt...*touch wood* jew insomma ahjar le :P, Selili al steven ajdlu hu gost man u tqodx titbellah ma kull fire escape li tara lol :P Gb tc drew

Jonathan said...

steven dalwaqt lura jiena le pero! voldieri ghad fadlilkom ftit zmien kwieti sakemm nasal! ma'ghandix dubju li ghamiltu hilitkom ghal healing service. u tinkwetax minhabba l-ordnijiet! il-bambin jipprovdi. Imma dankien exercise importanti ghax kien setup kbir u kontu wahedkom. issa naraw is-sound kif gie ghax m'ghandix dubju li bhala video jkun hemm xi problemi! c u in 2 weeks bello! enjoy the heat! jien al fresco! :) :)